Speech, Swallowing, & Voice Specialists of Hawaii
Social/Emotional & Cognitive Milestones

Typical milestones during this age range
“Shows off’ for attention
Responds to name when called
Shows changes in facial expressions
Likes to hand things to others as play
May have temper tantrums
May be afraid of strangers
Shows affection to familiar people
Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll
Claps hands together in response to social play
Enjoys playing with new toys
May cling to caregivers in new situations
Points to show others something interesting
Explores alone but with parent close by
Enjoys playing at the playground
Able to transition to a new environment or activity
Able to self sooth when upset
Knows what ordinary things are for (i.e., telephone, brush)
Points to get the attention of others
Shows interest in a doll in or stuffed animal by pretending to feed
Points to a few body parts
Scribbles independently
Can follow 1-step verbal commands without any gestures (i.e., “Sit down”)
Our sensory and motor skills play a big role in how we mature socially, emotionally, and cognitively. For this reason, some motor and sensory milestones for this age group are also listed below as they are intricately entangled in your child's social/emotional and coginivite development.

Walking independently and seldom falls
Squats to pick up toys
Stacks two objects or blocks
Has a regular sleep schedule
Helps with getting dressed/undressed
Eats an increasing variety of foods
Able to wear new and varied texture of clothing
Enjoys various textures, such as grass or sand, after multiple exposures