Speech, Swallowing, & Voice Specialists of Hawaii

Typical milestones during this age range
Points to a few body parts when you ask
Follows 1-step directions, such as "Roll the ball" or "Kiss the baby"
Understands simple questions, like "Who's that? or "Where's your shoe?"
Listens to stories, songs, & rhymes for a longer time
Points to pictures in books when you name them.
Uses many new words
Uses p, b, m h, & w in words
Starts to name pictures in books
Asks what, who, & where questions, such as "What's that?" or "Where's kitty?"
Puts 2 words together, such as, "More apple," "No bed," or "Mommy book"

Speech/Language skills involve a great deal of motor and sensory components. For this reason, motor and sensory milestones for this age group are also listed below as a delay or disturbance in either could influence your child's speech/language development.
Walking independently and seldom falls
Squats to pick up toys
Stacks two objects or blocks
(Closer to 19-24 months)
Walks alone
Pulls toys while walking
Can help undress self
Drinks from a cup
Eats with a spoon
(Closer to 24 months)
Can stand on tiptoe
Kicks a ball
Begins to run
Climbs onto and down from furniture without help
Walks up/down steps holding on
Throws ball overhand
Draws or copies straight lines and circles
Has a regular sleep schedule
Helps with getting dressed/undressed
Eats an increasing variety of foods
Able to wear new and varied texture of clothing
Enjoys various textures, such as grass or sand, after multiple exposures
(Closer to 19-24 months)
Usually plays with toys without mouthing them
Walking flat footed
Awareness of wet/soiled diaper